Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Week 11: Discussion with Mr. Syazwan


Discussion with Mr. Syazwan


  1.  To discuss the problem occur in the hardware part
  2. To get the better solution for solve the problem occur. 


  1. Meet with my supervisor, Mr. Syazwan and tell the problem occur during want built the hardware part.
  2.  Inform the result get after meet with Mr. Chen.
  3. Discuss the solution with Mr. Syazwan.

  1.  All the solution that been given by Mr. Chen can be done but the main problem is the price for each material needed.
  2. The main problem occur in my project is costing.
  3. Then Mr. Syazwan decides that I need to build a prototype only then do it in actual size of wheelchair.


The planning for the hardware part of this project has been changed because of the limitation costing.  Budget to develop this project has over than budget that has been given by UNIKL, so the solution for solved this problem is develop a prototype. 

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