Monday, 23 April 2012

week 14: preparation for demonstration of the project


preparation for demonstration of the project 


  1. to finalize all the information about project 
  2. to make a preparation for presentation day.  

  1. finish the part mechanical of the project which assemble all the component to develop a prototype of wheelchair.
  2. combine the mechanical part and electronic part. 
  3. make a poster which contain the objective, block diagram, methodology, application, and abstract of the project.

  1. the finished project with the combination of hardware and electronic part.
  2. the finished poster of the project.. 


the preparation for the presentation is have been done.. 

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Week 13: Testing Emg circuit on the UV board.


Testing Emg circuit on the UV board.

  1. To measure the output value from the circuit those follow the movement of shoulder.

  1.   Connect the battery to the power supply of the circuit.
  2.   Attach the electrode to the right or left shoulder.
  3.  Upload the program to the Atmega 328.
  4.  Measure the output produce by the movement of shoulder through the serial monitor.

  1. The output value that display on the serial monitor is unexpected and not display the same value according to the previous testing.
  2. Suppose the output value will increase when the muscle contract and decrease when the muscle subcontract. 


The circuit need to troubleshoot again to know why this problem occur. there have a problem that cause the circuit not function and the the project can't run smoothly.  

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Week 12: Find the suitable material for the prototype.


Find the suitable material for the prototype.


1.       To find the suitable material needed for the prototype of wheelchair.
2.       To get the right material that can suit with the concept of wheelchair.


  1.  Firstly find the material that can develop the body of wheelchair.
  2. Find the right size for the tire that need to attach to the wheelchair.
  3. Get the right material for the base that need to attach the motor.
  4. Find the suitable type of motor that can hold the weight for the prototype of wheelchair.


  1. Pvc pipe has been choose for develop the body of the prototype.
  2. The tire needed for the prototype is 2 different of tire with the different size. 
  3. The selected base is acrylic for attach with the motor.
  4. The motor that suitable with this prototype is the gear box motor which it can hold the load until 10kg.


All the material needed to develop the prototype of wheelchair has been determined. The next step for the hardware part is needed to recombine all this material to become a finish prototype of wheelchair. All this material is selected according to fulfill the concept of wheelchair which all step need to refer the concept of wheelchair. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Week 11: Discussion with Mr. Syazwan


Discussion with Mr. Syazwan


  1.  To discuss the problem occur in the hardware part
  2. To get the better solution for solve the problem occur. 


  1. Meet with my supervisor, Mr. Syazwan and tell the problem occur during want built the hardware part.
  2.  Inform the result get after meet with Mr. Chen.
  3. Discuss the solution with Mr. Syazwan.

  1.  All the solution that been given by Mr. Chen can be done but the main problem is the price for each material needed.
  2. The main problem occur in my project is costing.
  3. Then Mr. Syazwan decides that I need to build a prototype only then do it in actual size of wheelchair.


The planning for the hardware part of this project has been changed because of the limitation costing.  Budget to develop this project has over than budget that has been given by UNIKL, so the solution for solved this problem is develop a prototype. 

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Week 10: built the hardware part of the project


 Built the hardware part of the project

  1.  To built the hardware part of the project.
  2.  To design appropriate wheelchair for the disabled person.

  1. Buy the suggested motor for this project which is the power window motor. 
  2. Get the wheelchair for reconstruct the design.
  3. Bring the material needed for the hardware part to the welding shop for recombine the power window motor with the wheelchair.
  4.  Then meet with Mr. Chen which the owners of the welding shop. Explain to him about my project and asked him to recombine the material.

  1.   Mr. Chen gives opinion about this project which he says that the motor is not suitable to use because the motor can’t move if the load exceed than 100 kg. so this motor is not suitable for this wheelchair that the maximum load is 150 kg.
  2. Mr. Chen also gives another solution for this project.
·         Use drill than use the power window motor. 
·         Use the motor that use in electric bicycle. 
·         Use AC power supply than use DC power supply. 


This hardware can’t be done because the motor is not suitable for the project. For the better solution, I need to discuss this problem with my supervisor, Mr. Syazwan to get the better solution to solve this problem.  

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

week 9: test the Emg circuit


 Test the Emg circuit in the laboratory


To test the Emg circuit in the breadboard
To measure the output produce when muscle stretch and unstretch using muscle from arm 


  • Connect the electrode to the arm 
  • Connect the battery to the power supply circuit
  • Measure the output produce by the muscle



The muscle will increase the voltage when the muscle stretch and the muscle also produce the voltage during relax mode which the voltage is decrease.  

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

week 8: Construct EMG circuit


Construct EMG circuit on the breadboard


To develop and construct Emg circuit for the project. 


  • need to construct the power supply for the circuit. 

  • signal acquisition phase for EMG sensor

  • signal conditioning which for amplification and rectification the signal 

  • the complete circuit for EMG circuit on breadboard 


fully construct the Emg circuit on the breadboard and ready to tested in the laboratory 


 to construct  and develop the circuit, there have e few step that need to follow. the arrangement of component need to be construct acccording to the schematic diagram for getting the correct output.   

Monday, 5 March 2012

mid term break: find the alternative solution for replace component emg lead wire


 Find the alternative solution for replace component emg lead wire


 To find the suitable component that can replace emg lead wire


  • firstly, i do research find the component that has same function with EMG lead wire
  • this research has been done because of the difficulty to find the lead wire.
  • the component must suitable and can connect with the electrode.


  • Before this, there have a few test for measure the EMG using alligator clips and the result  getting from that test is success. The output produce is the same result with using Lead wire.

I can concluded that alligator clips can be used for replacing the Lead wire according to the previous experiment which using alligator cable to connect the electrode with the circuit. Alligator clips can be used for  transferring the signal that has been pick up by the electrode to the circuit and the micro controller can store that data before process it.  

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

week 7: order differential amplifier


 Order differential component


To get the component from the element 14 company. 


  1. Print out the list of component that i needed from the element 14 website. 
  2. Get help from my supervisor to order it because i do not have Maybank account and credit card.


My supervisor, Mr Syazwan have agreed to buy it from element 14 website. 


I just need to wait the component arrived within3 day in working hour

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

week 6: finding research about the component

finding research about the component to develop the EMG sensor circuit

to get the feedback from the supplier about the component needed.

  1. contact   AD INSTRUMENT company representatives through the phone and asking about the price for the selected item .
  2. contact a Premier Farnell company that sell the component INA 106KP IC which precision fixed gain differential amplifier through email.

  1.  item lead wires and disposable electrodes is still produced by   AD INSTRUMENT   company but they  need the customer purchase more than 100 item because they did not accept in small quantity.
  2. the time delivery for the customer to received the item also take time almost 1 month.
  3. the feedback from the Premier Farnell company is can buy online the component and only can use the maybank2u for purchase the component.
the outcome achieve the objective because supplier for the selected item has give the feedback. the AD INSTRUMENT representative  give other solution for get the item in less time which suggest went to the store that sell the medical device such as at subang medical centre. 

Thursday, 16 February 2012

week 5: research about the component

research about the component to develop the EMG sensor circuit

to get the suitable component for design and develop the EMG sensor circuit

  1. first research about the company that sell the medical equipment and all the accessories for electromyogram device.
  2. the component needed is the accessories for EMG such as lead wires and disposable electrode.
  3. second research about the company that sell the component INA 106KP IC which precision fixed gain differential amplifier.

  1. the company that sell the accesories for electromyogram device is*and*Accessories/Biopotential*-*ECG**EMG**EEG/

Lead Wires

Disposable Electrodes 

  1. the company that sell the component INA 106KP IC is

  3. the lead wires and diposable electrodes needed to order first but the company website do not give the price so need to contact the company first before can order the device.
  4. the component for INA 106KP ic also needed to order. 
the outcome did not achieve the objective because the component needed is currently unavailable and need get the feedback first from the supplier before can start develop the circuit. 

Friday, 10 February 2012

week 4: continue find the EMG signal

continue find the emg signal

to get the qualified signal electomyogram (EMG)


  1. enter the laboratory on 9 February 2012
  2. repeat the same procedure as last week experiment

the outcome waveform is equal with the result before this..

the outcome has achieved the objective. the suitable signal was produce. 

Friday, 3 February 2012

week 3:Step 1 on how to get the EMG signal


Step 1 on how to get the EMG signal


To get the electromyograph (EMG) signal


  1. booking laboratory for start the experiment for getting the EMG signal.
  2. 3 feb 2011 at 10 am untill 12 pm, start the experiment Emg with guide from supervisor Mr. Mohd Syazwan Md. Yid.
  3. by referring to the experiment EMG which getting the signal from the hand..


the result get is as the expected result from that experiment.this is the video for the EMG signal from the hand.


as a conclusion, the experiment is success and now i know how to conduct the experiment and after this need to conduct the experiment EMG but must getting the signal from the shoulder, not from the hand.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

week 2:briefing of final year project at gemilang hall


Briefing of final year project at gemilang hall


 To motivated final year student on doing their final year project


  1.  all the student need attend the briefing at the gemilang hall. attendance are compulsory
  2.  the briefing section started at 3 pm until 4 pm.


  1. all the student need to update profile at UniKL-BMI  Research and Postgraduate Studies (RPS). the profile need to update was:
    1. number handphone for all student fyp sem 1 and sem 2..
    2. need to create  blog for the project and need to submit the url blog into the RPS website which just for student fyp sem 2.
  2. the attendance are compulsory for meetinf with supervisor and will be recorded for every week. 


From the briefing given, all the student need to complete the final year project in accurate time. So to complete the project, all student need to start early and not do it last minute.