Wednesday, 29 February 2012

week 7: order differential amplifier


 Order differential component


To get the component from the element 14 company. 


  1. Print out the list of component that i needed from the element 14 website. 
  2. Get help from my supervisor to order it because i do not have Maybank account and credit card.


My supervisor, Mr Syazwan have agreed to buy it from element 14 website. 


I just need to wait the component arrived within3 day in working hour

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

week 6: finding research about the component

finding research about the component to develop the EMG sensor circuit

to get the feedback from the supplier about the component needed.

  1. contact   AD INSTRUMENT company representatives through the phone and asking about the price for the selected item .
  2. contact a Premier Farnell company that sell the component INA 106KP IC which precision fixed gain differential amplifier through email.

  1.  item lead wires and disposable electrodes is still produced by   AD INSTRUMENT   company but they  need the customer purchase more than 100 item because they did not accept in small quantity.
  2. the time delivery for the customer to received the item also take time almost 1 month.
  3. the feedback from the Premier Farnell company is can buy online the component and only can use the maybank2u for purchase the component.
the outcome achieve the objective because supplier for the selected item has give the feedback. the AD INSTRUMENT representative  give other solution for get the item in less time which suggest went to the store that sell the medical device such as at subang medical centre. 

Thursday, 16 February 2012

week 5: research about the component

research about the component to develop the EMG sensor circuit

to get the suitable component for design and develop the EMG sensor circuit

  1. first research about the company that sell the medical equipment and all the accessories for electromyogram device.
  2. the component needed is the accessories for EMG such as lead wires and disposable electrode.
  3. second research about the company that sell the component INA 106KP IC which precision fixed gain differential amplifier.

  1. the company that sell the accesories for electromyogram device is*and*Accessories/Biopotential*-*ECG**EMG**EEG/

Lead Wires

Disposable Electrodes 

  1. the company that sell the component INA 106KP IC is

  3. the lead wires and diposable electrodes needed to order first but the company website do not give the price so need to contact the company first before can order the device.
  4. the component for INA 106KP ic also needed to order. 
the outcome did not achieve the objective because the component needed is currently unavailable and need get the feedback first from the supplier before can start develop the circuit. 

Friday, 10 February 2012

week 4: continue find the EMG signal

continue find the emg signal

to get the qualified signal electomyogram (EMG)


  1. enter the laboratory on 9 February 2012
  2. repeat the same procedure as last week experiment

the outcome waveform is equal with the result before this..

the outcome has achieved the objective. the suitable signal was produce. 

Friday, 3 February 2012

week 3:Step 1 on how to get the EMG signal


Step 1 on how to get the EMG signal


To get the electromyograph (EMG) signal


  1. booking laboratory for start the experiment for getting the EMG signal.
  2. 3 feb 2011 at 10 am untill 12 pm, start the experiment Emg with guide from supervisor Mr. Mohd Syazwan Md. Yid.
  3. by referring to the experiment EMG which getting the signal from the hand..


the result get is as the expected result from that experiment.this is the video for the EMG signal from the hand.


as a conclusion, the experiment is success and now i know how to conduct the experiment and after this need to conduct the experiment EMG but must getting the signal from the shoulder, not from the hand.